RPGM - Abandoned - Bones' Tales: The Manor [v0.20.0a] [Dr Bones]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    One simple reason:

    Controls via keyboard only!

    Also a huge ass house where you have to run around like mad for 5 interactive places and every room has a short black screen while entering/leaving...

    How high one must be to think this would be a good idea?!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A game where you are a totally legal and adult shota dude trying to get down and dirty with your family, which includes guilty titty mommy milf, angry titty older sister, dumb as a rock younger sister and totally legal and adult loli sister. Also some bestiality.

    • Decent art
    • Something like 5 scenes with each girl, plus another 6 or so scenes

    Meh points:
    • Story is pretty bland and porn cliche

    • May randomly crash after a scene, had it happen to me in 5 different scenes
    • Every scene has a "PLACEHOLDER" warning before it starts
    • Lucile is absolutely fucking retarded
    • Progression is brain-dead
    • RPG Maker VX Ace. Can't resize the window, can't change key binds

    Is it worth playing? If you enjoyed Urban Demons, yes, this is worth some play time. If you don't enjoy incest, controlling a dumb shota dude, then avoid.
    Now, the game has been in development since 2018 and the dev has been giving less and less significant updates, when he updates at all.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    if there will be a top 1bilion games this game will take the first place
    everything was perfect characters, scenario, story, and our trusty ghost
    I can't get over this game
    ill be waiting for the updates :$
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is a placeholder. It will be reworked.

    Art is mostly great. Dialogue and story is weak. Game is buggy. Crashed several times over a playtime of 6-7 hours, which is about how long it took to 'complete'.

    A few things;
    Almost every interaction starting from the very first scene you might see after the intro, is either incomplete or planned to be reworked, which the game will tell you with big popups and sound effects. There's also a lot of 'not yet implemented' options in the events. The dev could remove the popups and blank choices and instantly make the game seem less 'half done'.

    The MC is "18 I swear", but they still look twelve. This is even more strange considering you have a 'younger sister' who is also "18 I promise" but actually at least passes for it. I don't expect this to change though, as changing the MC to look 18 would require a complete overhaul of the art. It's just super weird.

    On the topic of the MC; this is likely a bug but after certain scenes the character model gets swapped to what I presume is an earlier version. And it's a lot lower quality than the regular model, especially the 'fully straight leg' goose-stepping walk animation.

    Each girl has statistic thresholds you must meet in order to unlock scenes for them. As it is, you have the option of sacrifing most of a day to gain +5 points in a stat, or keep replaying certain scenes to get +1 each time. And given that you might only get a scene that can shift stats once or twice a day per girl, you basically have to throw away your days to make progress or else grind old scenes for ages. Fortunately there's no day tracker, nor timer or somesuch, but it's a painful waste of time to 'spend days' due to the three/four fade to black transitions you have to go through just to sleep to the next day, and repeat. Spend a day should be scrapped, but the stat requirements should also come way down aswell, so that gratuitous scene grinding and stat grinding aren't required.

    All in all, a promising groundwork. I'd love to see it expanded/finished. With a playtime of several hours there's an okay amount of content, but the dev is probably trying to stretch the game experience with stat/scene grinding when they could easily shorten grind intervals and maintain the corruption theme. What content there is, is clearly planned to be reworked. And this is from a game that has apparantly been in development since 2018. Updates do not appear to be frequent or substantial, and there's a lot of redoing current work promised.

    I wish I could rate it higher because it was enjoyable for the short playtime I had with it. It's just plainly unfinished and reminds you of such at every step. Grindy gameplay and time-wasting design choices hold it back. The past update log does not suggest a lot of new content will come anytime soon, nor an ending. In fact the dev seems intent on just redoing a lot of the work they've already done.

    3/5 - play once for the scenes of the hot mom, then come back in five years to see if it ever got finished.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 379289

    The art itself is ok, but the gameplay is atrocious. Most of your time consists of grinding in the worst way possible with forced delays everywhere even if you keep ctrl down to skip. Anytime you progress time or change rooms there is also a several second fade-to-black, that quickly gets annoying because you just want those repetitive events to finish as quickly as possible. There is an alternative to the grinding, but that is in itself a major grind, and feels like cheating which kills any immersion left.

    Despite raking in just under $5K per month for a game that has been 4 years in development, there is little content and the majority of events are filled with placeholders or "not implemented" messages. Donors are being taken advantage of.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game is almost on par quality-wise with Summertime Saga. There's no question lots of time has been spent on the characters, but that is likely mainly due to the way RPG Maker does it (I did decompress the archive and saw that all characters are built up on 5-6 PNGs and every animation is a loop of a number of these 5-6 PNGs on top of another, which is a goddamn bad idea.

    That said, the final result is a fucking EXCELLENT and fun experience. I never fap to games, but if I did, I would to little sis, and big sis as well when she realizes that she's just a horny bitch.

    @Oseo Bones - next project, choose something else to develop your game with because your development time is so ridiculously long with these extinct game engines (and I do mean RPG Maker (any version) and Ren'Py). It is so much easier with a modern tool.

    This game has ONE BIG AND MAJOR issue. The grindage is so fucking ridiculous that you need to play for like I don't know how many hours before you even get to see skin. PLEASE work on this, Bones, because as you can see, you lose a lot of players because of this. Honestly, I played for 4 hours until I decided to boost the stats (own, sisters' and mother's) to 50 and then stuff started to happen. Please lower these requirements OR adjust the amount of points given to move on. (There are online tools to simulate and optimize stuff like this).

    All in all, and regardless of the last bit, I give this an ace rating, because it is so captivating and because MC can shoot cum like a fountain! Thumbs up.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    + The art is fantastic
    - everything else

    How is this rated so high?

    You are a "totally 18" (looks like 12) son who is in a Manor (see title) with mother and two sister.
    You will fuck them.

    This game has two gimmicks.
    gimmick 1: bestiality. optional. I turned it off so never saw any. no idea how it is
    gimmick 2: ghost (see "bones" in the title)... which is implemented poorly in that it wastes your time with walking simulator back and forth to his bones to grab the ghost and dismiss him.

    As is typical of RPGM games you got lots of walking simulator. which is boring.
    the grind in this game is atrocious. Gotta get those affection points 1 by 1 via grind.
    this game is very wasteful with your time, as if you have nothing better to do than slowly slowly grind towards a sex scene.

    At some point I decided that I do not care how sexy the holes are. I have better ways to waste my life away. So I dropped the game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Finished the game and I have some mixed feelings.

    Let's start with what could be better:
    1: The animations they feel kinda choppy some times and could be smoother.
    2: There is currently no progress tracker to see how far you're stats are with any of the girls. This should have been there from the start as its kinda a must have in a game like this.
    3: The sounds in the sex scenes are just the same sound over and over again. It would be better if each girl had more of their own different sounds to make it more appealing.
    4: A UI for the activities would help alot because often more then not I was wandering around and beign clueless on what to do next.

    What I liked about this game:
    1: The art style of the girls is pretty appealing
    2: The story with the ghost does have some potential and I like the idea but it should be more fleshed out troughout the story. Thats one of the main reasons of giving this game a rating of average at the moment.
    3: The progression is actually kinda nice and smooth it might feel kinda grindy at some times but it actually feels kinda natural and I like that.

    I do see some potential in this game and I think it will be much better once you take this feedback into account and implement to your game. Which could raise the game from average to good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Man on of the few good rpgm games veey hot characters old fetish still there good gameplay not too much grindy just hope update comes soon.Other wise awesome game nice animations good characters the paranormality is really unique plus good thing is that game asks to save befire any major decision.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    This review is a placeholder. It will be reworked.

    Dang, wouldn't let me submit a review under 200 characters, just saying that would have been fitting. Anyways not sure why this has such high reviews, must be the folks into "beasty." At least it lets you turn that off. Excels at wasting your time more than your average RPGM game, and the characters remind me of early 2000's Newgrounds Flash animations. Gameplay loop sucks, does nothing with the RPGM structure to make it worth your time running around. Overall not a fan.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game and one of the hottest RPGMaker game I could have ever hoped for. Found it via a video on xvideos. Hope the creator finishes creating the art for all the scenes so that this gem truly shines! Wished I could start a sex scene when fondling the characters as they're standing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    very good, nice base and it has a lot you can build up on in terms of interaction with characters and situations, can't wait to see how the project will develop, the art is really good and the scenes are interesting, though there are some animations that could use some retouch, like the dance in the bathroom with lucile, but the Dev stated well enough that eacj scene is going to get reworked anyway so i'm sure it'll just get better and better

    the game has the same vibes of VNs like Snow daze and "slice of life" interaction and sex scenes like summer time saga
    wich i'm a big fan of

    i'd wish to see some kind of shortcuts to certain parts of the house like the jail the basement and the sleeping room as you'll need to go there a lot

    also the "rise interest" mechanic is nice but the way the game works NOW is
    extremely grindy, maybe it's bcs there's going to be a lot more interactions and ways to increase the value later

    with that said it's a pretty good experience so far and will check out for updates and so on, keep up the good work
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the game mechanics, but didn't really progress beyond the first 15mins as this game does not have a patch or option to remove incest. Each one to their own - if the programmer wants sex with family, that's free choice, not going to judge. But it's a big no for me so can't see how i can give it a higher score
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just a cannon! Sticking in it for 10 hours. As a result, all in semen and sweat fell asleep exhausted)))
    100 by 10. I have not seen such games for a long time, but I replayed in a large number of adult games;)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good. The build up of the sexual tension is great. Groping scenes are great. Art is great. I like that the author gives the option to disable beastiality. Only two things I'd recommend changing is: give some hint on how to fully unlock a character's route (I had no idea you had to do every scene twice until I looked at a guide), and have like a half second pause before you can select an option after viewing a bunch of dialogue. More than once, I accidentally selected a choice because the dialogue box popped up too quickly.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of amazing aspects to it. story is interesting, the whole game environment setup is on point and I liked the way it is representing itself, game play is unique, the dialogs are funny and interesting and I like the way of character development in the game and even you can have an impact in certain point of the game on their behavior towards MC . the only thing tho is kind of meh for me is the animations in this game I wish they were smoother and had better details into them, then this game would be the whole package of goodness but I guess you can't have everything at the same time...
    overall: 4/5 stars really good game I recommend it
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game needs to be played, One of the best games ever, the situations, the characters, the design are just too good, it understand itself very well, the developer knows what the people is searching in this game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    This is one of those games that makes you wish it would go on indefinetely.


    +Excelent writing
    +Delicious Incest
    +Awesome drawings.
    +Flawless sense of humour.
    +Dev has a godlike music taste.
    +Offers options for certain kinks.
    +Puts shortcuts on grindy stuff if you don't feel like it.


    -I'm kinda ashamed of putting cons
    -Bugs that soft locks the progress with some characters, which are expected for a game in development but still...
    -Cryptic character affinity progress, most of the time i didn't know what i was doing with whom or what my stats are with the characters. I distaste playing a game over and over again to see if i missed out on any content.

    What could be better? (IMO)

    I hate to be that guy but resizing the private parts for a more realistic "feel" on both the protagonist and some characters would be a fine fix, but that's just me with my minimalistic way of thinking, i know it aint the most popular opinion to have those on small proportions here on the internet.

    Final note: I'm hooked and can't stay away. Play this. Make time for it. Trust me. Support the Bones too if you got the greens.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A perfect game, but you need to finish a couple of scenes and rework others.
    this game is so funny moments, you play as David (Or whatever name you choose) a boy who life with his mother Martha (milf) and sisters Lucile (big ass, small tits) and Vera (BIg Ass, nice tits)
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, to be honest I though I already rated the game, it appears not, which might not be such a good thing for our good Doctor.

    When I first played the game, it was on release 16.2, that was around 8 months ago.

    I really did loved the story, the character (Lucy :love::love:) and the bestiality, not counting the inc' part that was a bit better initiated than in most games, but the grinding was a pain in the @ss and I ended editing the save, which I do not like much to do because it can cause events misses or unpleasant stuff, but this was really boring (from memory I was still grinding after 4h gameplay ...).

    So yeah, back then I would have put one more star. I've anyway thrown some subscribestar support once, to show appreciation, then nothing.

    And here, I see the latest update, and ho boy what a deception, so few content addition, so few valuable work I would say, and this is even more surprising knowing there is fan art all over the place for great ideas of content, which I'm sure fans would have been pleased to see integrated in the game. It seems to me like a lazy-@ss update, to keep on subscribers before a real addition, plus the saves are not compatible, meaning all the boring grinding has to be done again, thus my rating.

    Then again this is just my opinion, the game is still good enough for a good time, but at some point rating should also show a trend of a game, and here I'm not sure the game is so much on good tracks.