Others - Lustful Apocalypse [v0.3.8] [Demon Alter Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A demo still, but it is showing good progress. Animations are a bit stiff, but overall you can see a lot of effort was put into this. Not to mention that you can run the game with opengl from the console, which is an amazing feature I have never seen before on this site.

    Keep this one on your radar people.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Rev @ Lustful Apocalypse [v0.3]

    Art's fine, but it's an asset flip or so near thereto that it's not worth the difference.

    Writing is nonexistant; backstory is a couple of sentences, characterization isn't even that, plot was left behind and even the writing voice of the brief tutorial annoys me.

    Porn. Is. Wrong. Kind. Of. Jerky. Models are stock assets with dicks welded on. Even the poses are samey.

    Combat managed to find an even less-engaging implementation than the RPGMaker menu system. Screen resolution can't be changed. No logic to the game systems.

    TLDR: .00000000000003.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically just a proof of concept at the initial 0.1 version. But it's executed well and simple. I really enjoy the fluidity of the combat system as it's not the standard tit-for-tat system everyone uses but rather a free combat "boxing" style system. Which is refreshing to see.

    I love that pregnancy is already in the first version, but it still has a lot of kinks to work out and still very few renders.

    The resolution options is a must add in future versions. It's difficult to see and enjoy in such a small box in it's current version, but I feel confident this will be addressed in future versions.

    There currently is no story progression yet and very little of anything to do except rest, travel and fight.

    The high rating is based on this being a proof of concept. I will adjust the rating based on how the game is built, but it's simple and promising based on what it is and what it should become.

    Great render quality, easy gameplay, not complicated to see content, great kinks and high hopes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really cool game and quite promising. Though feature limited currently, I enjoyed the very well done animations and combat controls. Was very fun and also had exactly what I was looking for in content...